Sunday, April 16, 2017

7 Drones You Can Use For Taking “Dronies” – Selfies Taken By Drones

Ahh… Selfies… I really hated them back in the day when they first became popular. Truth be told, that’s mostly because all those “popular” chicks became so obsessed with them that it simply killed all the selfie fun for me. But, nowadays, selfies have evolved and adapted to the modern world. Nowadays, everyone takes them and everyone loves them. It’s a whole another story than was the case a couple of years back. With that being said, the fact that the drones’ market is becoming flooded with selfie drones comes as no surprise. These drones are characterised by their small size (plus they’re usually foldable as well which makes them perfect travelling companions), solid camera and ease of use. Even though they have just started to grow in popularity, there are already a bunch of models available on the market. So, if you are looking for a decent selfie drone, here’s a list of the best ones out there, sorted from the cheapest to most expensive ones.

Table : What is the best selfie drone ?

  • table is coming soon


7. Eachine E50

We are starting off with the cheapest drone on this list. It is Eachine E50 which doesn’t have a lot to brag about. Still, despite that, people consider it a solid entry level selfie drone that can serve for training purposes. It is powered by cheap brushed motors and features a 500mAh battery that actually performs quite good and can give you approximately 10 minutes of flight time. The camera is not that good, but nothing else could be expected of such a cheap drone. It records in 720p resolution and you are free to adjust its angle however you like. Range of this device is nothing special either, if range is high on list of your priorities, you might be interested in our list of long range drones here. With roughly 40 meters, it will get the job done when it comes to taking selfies, but don’t expect anything more than that.

Show me the best price for : Ashburn, United States


6. JJRC H37

This portable little fella is just a tad bit more expensive than the Eachine E50. It works in a similar way and has similar functions as well. With the standard features that are present with Eachine’s model (such as altitude hold and headless mode) there really aren’t that many differences between the two. Still, JJRC H37 (nicknamed Elfie) has 3 speed modes (low, medium and high) which allows it to fly both indoor and outdoor with solid precision. This means you don’t have to worry about crashing it all the time. The built-in camera is only 0.3mpx so you cannot really expect any decent photos with it. As I’ve already mentioned with the Eachine’s model, these cheap little guys cannot be considered as fully fledged selfie drones as their camera quality dates back to the 90’s. Still, if you want some cheap fun with them, they’re worth checking out… Perhaps your little ones end up playing with them more than you.

Show me the best price for : Ashburn, United States



If you are looking for a solid entry level selfie drone that requires a bit of DIY, then ELF II is the right one for you. This little fella is made out of much higher quality materials than the first 2 drones on our list. In addition to that, it also supports FPV and even VR which sets it far ahead of the above-mentioned competition. The camera quality, on the other hand, is not much better. 1Mpx camera (records in 720p) will not provide you with breathtaking videos, but will serve the purpose of flying in FPV or VR and taking an occasional picture or two. Another thing worth mentioning is the fact that ELF II is not a quadcopter, it’s a hexacopter, making it quite the refreshment in the niche. Still, those 2 additional propellers and motors won’t help it a lot when it comes to being a solid selfie drone… especially with that awful camera.

Show me the best price for : Ashburn, United States


4. Wingsland S6

wingsland s6 foldable droneFinally, we have come to the actual selfie drones and not those cheap, budget friendly wannabes. So for our first real specimen we have the WIngsland S6. It is a beautifully designed foldable drone with solid characteristics and great camera. It supports an outstanding 4K UHD camera with WiFi app control. Regarding its features, Wingsland S6 is not shy by any means – return to home, follow me, orbit around me are just some of them that you will end up using on a daily basis. This is especially true for the latter which performs amazingly for selfies. You’re worried that it’s too heavy and you won’t be able to carry it around wherever you go? Well, there is no reason to worry since this little fella weighs less than a pound. Yup, you read that correctly! And last but not least, here are its key specifications: flight time is roughly 10 minutes and operating range is approximately 100 meters.

Show me the best price for : Ashburn, United States


3. Zerotech Dobby

zerotech dobby foldedAs some of you already figured out by now, these selfie drones all kind of look similar to each other… and nothing different can be said about Zerotech Dobby either. It’s a flashy, glossy white drone with beautifully designed foldable layout. When it is folded, it easily fits into your pocket without you having to worry about breaking it (bendgate confirmed!). The most important thing of every selfie drone is its camera, and it is pretty safe to state that Dobby does not disappoint in that department. With its 13MPX built-in camera, it is able to capture high quality aerial footage… and most importantly – crystal clear selfies that will be the main talking point of your next family gathering. What’s even better, this tiny camera has some interesting features that are quite rare to see with drone cameras – facial recognition and target tracking. These will ensure you always get the perfect selfie no matter how clumsy you are when it comes to actually maneuvering with the drone itself. Specification-wise, the battery kind of disappoints with its up cca 8 minutes of juice. On the bright side, the flight range is much better, hovering around 100 meters which is way more than you will ever need for a proper aerial selfie.

Show me the best price for : Ashburn, United States


2. XIRO Xplorer Mini

xiro xplorer mini drone for travelingAnd now we have come to the two heavyweights in the selfie drones market. The first model comes from XIRO, a company which got famous for their XIRO Xplorer model that had quite good specifications and a relatively moderate price tag to its name. Now, its selfie successor, the XIRO Xplorer Mini aims to take the market by storm with similar tactics. Even though it does not have a 4K camera like the 2 last selfie drones in this list (Wingsland S6 and Zerotech Dobby), it is still capable of providing you with quality aerial shots with its 13mpx FHD camera with 190-degree lens. It works with both Android and iOS devices and supports FPV transmission. The biggest selling point of this drone is its visual positioning system which relies on dual navigation from GPS and GLONASS. This will ensure it has pinpoint accuracy whether its flying indoor or outdoor, especially when combined with features such as auto return to home, lost connection protection and one click media sharing. All of these features might seem boring at first, but if you end up buying this drone, you will realize just how useful they really are.

Show me the best price for : Ashburn, United States


1. DJI Mavic Pro

The pinnacle of selfie drones is, of course, made by DJI. Their awesome Mavic Pro is an best selfie drone with high end specifications across all departments. With its 7 kilometers of seamless operating range, and roughly 65km/h top speed, Mavic Pro makes sure to point out that it can be used for much more than just plain selfie shots. For instance, with such high top speed, it can even be used for casual drone racing at the local park; and with such a huge range, it can even serve as a surveillance drone that can make sure there are no intruders on your farm or property. It is, of course, poised with quality features such as ActiveTrack and TapFly, which will allow you to concentrate more on taking the perfect shot than controlling the actual drone. And last but not least, it is important to mention that the Mavic Pro comes with obstacle avoidance and dual GPS+GLONASS positioning system, which, on top of its 27-minutes in-air-endurance, make up for an outstanding all-around drone that will definitely find its way into the hearts of many.

Show me the best price for : Ashburn, United States



And there you have it guys. If you are looking for a great drone that will provide you with the perfect selfie time and time again, you cannot go wrong with any of the above listed models. As you probably figured out on your own, the price range is huge. The first drone costs just over $50 while the last one costs roughly $1,000 more. So, it’s only logical that there’s a huge gap in quality as well. Still, any of the latter 4 drones on the list (that cost more than a restaurant meal) will definitely prove to be awesome not only for selfies but for casual aerial photography as well. With that being said, I will leave you to make up your mind with the hope that this list helped you at least a bit.

The post 7 Drones You Can Use For Taking “Dronies” – Selfies Taken By Drones appeared first on Drones Globe.

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